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     He glanced again at the paper before finishing his litany of accusations.

     “Seven unauthorized entries into secret computer files in violation of your security contract and operational para-meters within the past month.” He shook his head. “Like following a trail of bread crumbs. Your intention became pretty obvious.”

     The suit stopped and stared at Ron, who returned the hard gaze unflinching. He knew the accusations were true. He had been cavalier and foolish, but felt no guilt in his accomplishment.

     The younger man opened his folder and turned his attention to Ron. “Mister Fremont, you’ve heard the charges against you. Security violations are a serious matter, as you must surely realize. If you wish to explain your actions, you may do so at this time.”

     Ron glanced slowly around the room, noticed video cameras on the wall, but wondered why there wasn’t a tape recorder on the table. He leaned back in his chair before responding.

     “I became curious about the origins of the strange materials I was testing,” he said in a low voice.

     The suits didn’t interrupt, seemed to wait for Ron to continue. This isn’t being recorded, Ron thought. Ain’t that interesting.

     “I kept looking for original data on the materials I was evaluating looking in data bases I could access. Curious mainly. Eventually, I discovered reference to a ‘Group 5’ on some of the paperwork. No one would tell me anything about it, and I tried to find out who they were. I guess I got real curious – pushed the envelope.”

     “What do you know about that?” asked the older man staring at Ron.

     Ron felt the hair stand up on his neck. He shrugged. “No one would tell me anything.” Asshole had to know I got into Group 5 files. What the hell? The names . . . they were there. Jerk knows this.

     The older suit made a few notes on the paper and then looked at Ron for a few seconds before speaking.


     Ron shrugged. “I found mention to the on-base building site A100, where some of the material specimens I was evaluating seemed to be held in storage. I became curious as to where that was, and I explored different areas while jogging and found the site a couple days ago. It was an interesting building with climate control and security features and I guess I became a little too curious.”

     Ron looked at the older suit and shrugged. “That’s where the guards arrested me.”

     The older suit nodded. “It seems to us that you have absolutely no respect for the security laws that you signed as part of your employment agreement. Violation of these laws, in case you’ve forgotten, is punishable by statute with long imprisonment and severe fines. It is difficult for me to believe you were not aware of the risks to your security and employment standing in your penchant for trespass in areas forbidden to you.”

     The younger suit picked up where his partner left off. “Investigation of your background and current activities do not suggest any overt criminality, so we have to assume that your lapse in judgment is due to your over-stimulated scientific curiosity. Your technical contributions in performance of your job assignments is meritorious; however, this irresponsible behavior cannot be allowed to stand.”

     The older man picked it up and continued. “You will be on probation and required to attend several meetings to review the current laws regarding government secrets, your access to them, and your life-long obligation to maintaining secrecy. You are even now prohibited by your own signature on security documents from ever discussing projects or discoveries or opinions of your work under penalty of imprisonment or worse. This will be reviewed in the upcoming sessions.”


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